Is the Pentagram the mark of Lucifer?

Considering that the word Lucifer is a reference word used to describe the planet Venus as it means "Light Bearer" or "Bringer of Light" as Venus is the last planet (that looks like a star) you can see in the night sky before dawn, the fact that with the superior and inferior conjunctions between Earth and Venus as they evolve around the Sun over eight Earth years (10 Venus) forms the pattern of a Pentagram and the speculation that the fruit from the garden of Eden was an apple that when cut in half the pattern of a Pentagram can be made one could come to the conclusion that "The Mark of Lucifer is the Pentagram" like I have. Also taking into consideration all the conspiracy talk about the Illuminati, the Pentagram, 2012, The Mark of the Beast I.D. chip (the beast being Lucifer the Anti-Christ or Devil) I just thought I'd shed some light on the topics as I have a formation of a Pentagram in my palm lines which in palmistry means past lives and an attainment of spiritual enlightenment. I've come to this conclusion from all the research I've done on religions, spiritual faiths, astrology, palmistry, numerology and past lives, also here is a site that I found on my internet journeys that backed up what I already knew.

"Pentagram" - A very rare marking formed by the confluence of the Head Line, Life Line, Fate Line and Money Line, which clearly marks the sign of a Pentagram in the palm of the hand. This is a sign of great spiritual power and advancement, and indicates one who is highly adept. The Pythagoreans used to mark the Pentagram on their palm, as a sign to recognize one another by; thus the presence of the Pentagram marking may indicate a soul who was one of this ancient and highly advanced mystical school in lives gone by, and still bears the mark to this day."

The Pentagram is the symbol used by those who follow the Luciferian path to enlightenment, it's not a symbol to worship the devil as many claim it to be but a symbol of geometric perfection and is it a coincidence that it has 5 points just as we have 5 fingers on each hand and toes on each foot and 5 extremities from our torso that when stretched in proper way makes the pattern of a Pentagram.

Pentagram - A 5 pointed star. Each point represents an element : Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the fifth element, Ether or Spirit. It is the symbol of the horned God when turned upside down( nose, ears and horns make up the points). It is not the symbol of Satanism, as some believe. It is a symbol of protection, and many Wiccans and Pagans wear one as a symbol of their religion and for protection. It can be scribed into or drawn on objects to protect them. The upside down (inverted) version is a "banishing" pentagram, and the right way up, the "invoking" pentagram. The Pentagram was used by many religions (including Christians) as a symbol of truth and Protection before it was said to symbolize "Evil". The symbol apparently was used until the inquisition as a positive symbol, and then its meaning was reversed. Some say that the upright pentagram shows Spirit/Divinity being first... it comes above everything else, and that the inverted pentagram shows Divinity at the bottom, and thus placed after ever thing else. Which is said to be why Satanists use the inverted symbol, not because of it's associations with the devil. 

Is this all just coincidence or is it part of Gods master plan and which God is God or are they all one in the same just different paths, who on this planet really has the right to claim anything in the name of God whichever God it is being claimed for, should it be those who have been here before and know what they're talking about or old men who preach from a book, these questions and many more can be answered the right questions just need to be asked, till then here's a Palmistry Guru  to check out...


  1. I have 2 of them. I just noticed the second one, above the old one, today on my right palm. Do you know what 2 mean if anything? Are they just a coincidence from aging?

  2. My palm is littered with five pointed stars. Ive got 3 going up from Luna mount, through mars+, finally ending between the mounts of mercury and appolo. I also have an amazing star on the mount of appolo, one between Jupiter and Saturn and one right bellow Saturn mount. I see a few others in the center of my palm on my head line and one more in Ketu area. Very cool stuff in going to keep looking for markings, thanks for the information.

  3. I have a 5 point star in between my thumb and ring finger with the first point starting at my pointer finger what does it mean in box me

  4. Thanks for your explanation. I also have 5 point star and was thinking this is weird.

  5. Thanks for your explanation. I also have 5 point star and was thinking this is weird.

  6. I have an upright on one hand and an upside down on the other so yea whatever the right side up one is my left hand and the upside down is my right

  7. I have a large one on my left hand, one point upwards. It is stretched and elongated, kind of like an Elder Sign in Lovecraftian mythology. It is quite strange.

  8. I have an upright on right palm and an upside down one on my left palm.

  9. I have on centered on each of my palms and feet. They take up most of the palm. What does that mean. 4 perfect 5 point stars centered and pefectly take up the entire palm and the center of the foot?one on each extremedy

  10. I am very clairvoyant.
    I think the term "lufifer" is too polarising and therefore misunderstood.
    I think its a protective sign also in this satanic world!

  11. im a girl and i have a five pointed star on the exact middle of my left palm. im planning to get a pentagram tattoo on it. firstly is it bad to have a star on the middle of the palm? what does it mean to have a pentagram on the palm? or shall i just get star tattoo

  12. I believe mine has just appeared on my left hand, on the Mars mount. I have been doing so much soul searching over the last 9 months and desperately been trying to understand my true desires. It has lead to me confirming a divorce is the best course of action but it is very painful as I can't bare hurting anyone. I was hoping that this may be a sign that I am in the right course ... or is it that iv just made the biggest mistake of my life! 😣

  13. JWoog aka JBdanobody12 June 2024 at 08:58

    I am a twin ironically a Gemini and I'm right handed, he's left handed. I see through different eyes yet same perception. I hear a ring in my ear and can't understand it. I use to be popular yet what is to be popular, I use to have things but what are things, I hangout now with my enemies and help them bc they help me, I use to be king now I'm Prince of the nobody.
